Monday, 22 December 2008

The Most Basic Human Instinct: Insult

I was on Home last night and I came across a few guys talking about Timesplitters 4 and how much they were looking forward to it. So, of course, I joined in the conversation and told them about how Free Radical have closed down (While body popping, of course). We were talking for a while about Timesplitters, Second sight and in the meantime a few other guys had joined in the conversation and soon enough we had a fully fledged argument over which was better. EA or Activision. You know as you do.


But of course, one guy came over and called us nerds. And being nerds, we all decided to then insult HIM. So there you go. After only 25 minutes of talking to complete strangers there was a “Yer Mar” joke thrown in. Isn’t meeting new friends wonderful?


  1. I want a Playstation 3 just for this.

  2. I'm going to start saving up soon for either a PS3 or an Xbox. I dunno why, but they both appeal highly to me. Its just picking which one :( the grill or the toaster.

  3. The grill has a higher tasty rating, but the toaster does a fantastic Job at what it does best. Toast

  4. You certainly are right there, and by George I do love my toast.
