Saturday, 7 March 2009

Bioshock 2

"Local fisherman Eamon Clune, 44, and his wife Charlotte (32) were awoken by the sudden shattering of a window in the front room," a document on the site reads. "Moments later, his daughter Maura, age 7, screamed. Mr Clune rushed to investigate the noise only to notice the unknown attacker racing out of the broken window with 'incredible speed'

"Due to the moonless night, Clune was unable to provide a description of the assailant. He notes that the attacker was thin, above average height and wore some kind of 'red light.'"

This here, are the first story details for Bioshock 2. As I said a while back, I was a bit skeptical about the whole thing, but this has certainly restored my faith in the whole game. It’s set seven years after the original, and appears (according to the text above) to be set in Ireland which should also be nice. Still, no release date yet, so all I can do is wait I suppose.

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