What’s that? Dead Rising is an irritatingly frustrating game that should be shelved and forgotten?
I agree. But I love it anyway :3
‘Fo Sho
What’s that? Dead Rising is an irritatingly frustrating game that should be shelved and forgotten?
I agree. But I love it anyway :3
‘Fo Sho
I got the BETA key for this… hmm. A fortnight ago now? Something like that.
Anyway, I think I've played it twice and I’ve just never went back to it. It’s a shame really, because I really REALLY wanted to like it. I just… couldn’t. It seems too shallow for my liking :(
No doubt I’ll go back to it eventually though! I hope :P
Rearden Studios introduced a gaming service and "microconsole," called OnLive, at GDC today, and we're still trying to wrap our heads around everything. If we had to describe it in one sentence, we'd call it a new way of playing games online without having to buy titles, but that sounds a bit too much like the vaporware Phantom console. Plus, there's another new "console" called Zeebo making a debut at GDC, which adds more confusion to the issue. Luckily, we have more than a sentence to work with here, so bear with us.
OnLive, as a company, a service, and a console, is being spun off from Rearden, and is run by Steve Perlman (founder & CEO) and Mike McGarvey (COO). The entire company is structured around a new way to stream video that the company has created -- "interactive video compression" -- which, according to the official line, has extremely low latency, and brings video lag down to "about a millisecond." Using that technology, the company plans to have five servers across the country that will host your games completely, and it'll be streaming the video from the game to your Mac, PC, or television. Sound ambitious? It is.
I’m actually quite fond of this idea. I wonder if it will work?
I’m obsessed with all aspects of Inside Xbox. It’s addictive. I actually laughed out loud multiple times today while watching sentuamessage, and I thought the Videogame BAFTAS coverage was extremely interesting.
Personally, I believe that all aspects of this delightful little feature are created professionally and accurately.
Also, one of the guys has FANTASTIC hair. I mean honestly, it’s amazing.
Few things I wanted to chat about today.
I finished Resident Evil 5 (finally) and I can safely say it’s the best in the series. Hell I’d go as far as to say it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. Exhilarating, action packed and more of a Resi game than Resi 4 was (story wise). Absolutely incredible. Especially the ending.
I got Crackdown for cheap today as well. Haven't played much of it but what I have played I’ve enjoyed.
I’ve played a lot of the Battlefield Heroes Beta and I can safely confirm that it’s surpassed all expectations. From a technical viewpoints it’s genius. Matchmaking takes literally seconds and all the games are completely lag free. From a game play perspective… well third person is the new first person in my opinion these days and graphically this game is beautiful. The simple and colourful maps and characters make it really easy on the eyes. I’d apply for a Beta invite if I was you :)
I’m a firm believer that those who, thus far, have missed out on the Gears of War series is missing out on one of the most fundamental gaming experience of the past few years. I’ve never played a game that can take itself so seriously, yet be completely tongue in cheek at the same time. One minute it’ll be screaming a million moral messages about war, the government and the future of the human race and the next you’ll be cutting your way out of a giant worm using your giant chainsaw gun. Epic, epic gaming.
I’m about half way through the campaign at the moment and I’ve only come off it to do this. I’m addicted, there’s just something so fresh and unique about the gameplay, even though it’s quite clearly a tried and tested formula. It just manages to pull off the balance so well.
I’ve played about 25 online matches as well, and I’m impressed. Haven't even scraped the surface on it yet though. I only found out that there’s ranks on it yesterday xD
Friday tomorrow! I’ll be finishing Resident Evil 5 tomorrow night for sure. I’m at the point now where I just want to sit down and finish it in one sitting, so I haven't been playing much of it lately if I'm honest.
It’s no secret I’m not a die hard fan of the RPG genre. In fact, I often find them quite boring. So why I bought Mass Effect today is an answer that’s beyond my expertise. It' dosn’t make sense why I did it.
Still, I played an hour of it today and I enjoyed it. Quite a lot actually. It’s pretty simple to understand the game play (often on RPG’s I just end up staring at the screen, dribble running down my chin) and the real time combat is extremely fun to mess around with.
I’m off to play some now actually :)
Immense. There is no other word to describe it really. This is everything I hoped for plus more. The game play is exactly like Resident Evil 4, but the addition of the quick select does change the flow of the game a little more (i.e. if your not prepared before going into a fight, you’ll struggle trying to equip ammo etc.), the graphics are by far the best I’ve ever seen in a game and the story is… well. It’s true Resident Evil :)
The only thing that annoys me is that Capcom have actually taken Umbrella Chronicles into account… BOO!
“Miyamoto has expressed his disappointment with the GameCube era, which he describes as a time when "Nintendo was going in the direction of doing the same things other companies did"
Don’t you just love Nintendo? I used to worship this guy as a God, as an inspiration, as one of the greatest minds in the gaming industry… and now look at this. I loved the Gamecube! It was one of the best consoles ever made! Just because Nintendo’s become the cool kid on the block it doesn't mean he can forget his roots, forget who his friends truly are…
I never played Grand Theft Auto 4 online much. In fact I think I went as far as to play half a game of deathmatch before going back to the story, and at the time didn't feel the slightest bit of regret. Now I understand how much of a fool I’ve been. GTA4 with a few mates, or even one mate, is an absolute riot. Tonight, me and a mate spent almost an hour trying to get to the helicopters in the Airport. When we finally got one, I decided to drive and crashed it within about 5 seconds, killing both of us. Fun times xD
I said mate too many times during this blog :P
I’ve become a bit of a CVG addict if I’m honest. I go on the thing about 4 or 5 times a day. It’s well handy when I’m trying to think of things to blog about, which happens quite often lately.
Today, unfortunately, there wasn’t much there to nick and blog about. Looks like I’m going to have to just write a list of crap xD
I played a bit of SimCity Societies today. I got it ages ago but never really got into to it. I only played it for an hour but I had fun. I made a communist city and ended up just rounding up the entire population and putting them in prison. Good times.
I’m getting an Xbox on Saturday. I’ve decided to trade in my Wii and spend the money on something that you can actually have fun with. Getting Xbox Live and a few games. Should be good.
I think I’ve lost my DS. Doesn’t really bother me though.
I really REALLY wanna play the new Uncharted Game D: If anyone from Naughty Dog’s reading this, send me a copy pluz? 8D
I found my DS, it was in my sisters room. Hers broke the other day after she dropped it and the top screen snapped off. I didn’t even think it was possible to be honest. I dropped mine down the stairs the other day and it didn’t even turn itself off.
Boring day for games! :P
Came damn close to finishing this last night with my cousin on Co-Op split screen on his Xbox (and 42” full HD TV with 7.1 surround sound. You needed to know that. Honest).
It was one of the best experiences I’ve had with a game in a long time! I loved every second of it!
Oh, and 5 days till Resident Evil 5 :D
"Local fisherman Eamon Clune, 44, and his wife Charlotte (32) were awoken by the sudden shattering of a window in the front room," a document on the site reads. "Moments later, his daughter Maura, age 7, screamed. Mr Clune rushed to investigate the noise only to notice the unknown attacker racing out of the broken window with 'incredible speed'
"Due to the moonless night, Clune was unable to provide a description of the assailant. He notes that the attacker was thin, above average height and wore some kind of 'red light.'"
This here, are the first story details for Bioshock 2. As I said a while back, I was a bit skeptical about the whole thing, but this has certainly restored my faith in the whole game. It’s set seven years after the original, and appears (according to the text above) to be set in Ireland which should also be nice. Still, no release date yet, so all I can do is wait I suppose.
Don’t close the browser. You need to hear about this game.
It’s an emotional experience, it’s a near religious experience. It allows you delve into your very soul, your psyche. It leaves you to wonder, to ponder, to wish. It leaves you to dream.
I don’t know the story… I heard somewhere it’s a Flowers dream. Whatever it is, it’s a bold and striking statement on the condition of the Earth. At least, that’s what I took it for.
Go play it. Now
Wow. I haven't blogged in a while. Well that’s gonna change now :P
I’ve decided that for today, I’m going to fill you in on everything that’s happened games wise that I feel like commenting on. This may well be a long one xD
Firstly, I got the Orange Box for the PS3. I bought it for the sole reason of wanting to play the first three Half Life 2 episodes again in glorious HD, but I’ve become obsessed with TF2 which makes no sense because it’s horrendously broken compared to the PC version…. Still, it’s probably only because I don’t get my arse kicked on it.
Trackmania United Forever is immense. I’ve always been a fan of the series, and this is definatly the best one yet. It’s a must buy if your into racing games that don’t take themselves seriously.
I considered getting the new Dead Rising game for the Wii, but then read all the reviews for it and changed my mind straight away.
However, on a related note, Dead Rising 2 looks fantastic. Also, there’s rumors there’s going to be a PS3 version, which is just gravy.
Resident Evil 5 comes out next week! Although I seem to be the only person on the Internet looking forward to this, I’ve still got high hopes for it. Oh, also, I think the control scheme works. Eat that!
Everyone keeps telling me to play Halo Wars, and I have every intention not too.
Left 4 Dead downloadable content fails to interest me.
That seems to be it… Yea. Pretty much xD
More tomorrow!