Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Heathen Talk!


You  know what? I’m considering getting an Xbox… Yea I know, I talk of blasphemy but I may as well. Their not that cheap, they don’t break as much anymore and no-one can deny that the online is worth it every time! Also, it’ll be fun to play some online games with a mate of mine.


In other less hypocritical news, I finished Battlefield Bad Company last night! Cracking game. I really enjoyed it, even though I got it in September (The shame!)


Also, I got Crash Commando and the Metal Gear Solid pack for LittleBigPlanet. I’ve yet to play the latter, but the former is well good. Personally, I just can’t wait for the next Penny Arcade episode to come out. I loved that. It was brilliant. I may even go as far to say one of the best games I’ve played in a while :P


Oh, and the reason I haven't been blogging is that over the last few days I’ve been involved in SOCIAL activities! Real social activities!


I know, I’m surprised too..


  1. WHY?! That's one of stupidest things you could do. You already own the superior console! You are a tool of society if you get one. And Xbox's red ring all the time!

  2. You're mad sir, you already own a ps3 and PC, the Xbox online isn't worth it.

    Also you're hardly looking after Nfort now because you bought the ps3, after you bought that nobody see's you anymore, if you got a xbox360 well. We wouldnt see you ever.... It will just be a waste of money and a waste of a friend.

  3. Do what you think is best Liam, ignore the comments above.

    If you want one and you've got the cash get one, if you don't then don't.
